Since launching their PWA, Lancôme's mobile sales have increased 16% year over year with overall speed increases of 50%.
A community-driven list of stats and news related to Progressive Web Apps brought to you by Cloud Four
Since launching their PWA, Lancôme's mobile sales have increased 16% year over year with overall speed increases of 50%.
Twitter Lite is interactive in less than 5 seconds over 3G on most devices, with average load times reduced by over 30%.
Wego reduced page load time from 12 seconds to between ½ to 3 seconds.
Infobae's PWA beta has 230% longer session and 3× more page views than the previous mobile site.
Jumia Travel's PWA has 12× more users compared to its native apps and uses 80% less data. Since launch, the PWA has 33% higher conversion and 50% lower bounce rate.
Lancôme's PWA features a 17% increase in conversions, a 51% increase in mobile sessions overall and a 53% increase on iOS alone. Notifications contribute a 18% open rate and a 12% increase in recovered carts. 8% of people responding to a notification make a purchase.
Mynet increased revenue 25% per pageview using a PWA and AMP solution. The average page is 4× faster and people spend 43% longer on the site. Even iOS saw a 15% increase average pageviews and a 23% decrease in bounce rate.
Ola reports 30% higher conversion than native for its PWA in Tier 3 cities and comparable rates in Tier 2 cities. Overall, Ola has seen a 68% increase in mobile traffic and 20% of users who book via the PWA had previously uninstalled the native app.
OLX experienced 250% more re-engagement using push notifications and 146% higher click-through rate on ads. The PWA takes 23% less time to interactive resulting in 80% lower bounce rates.
Twitter Lite saw a 65% increase in pages per session, 75% in Tweets, and a 20% decrease in bounce rate. Twitter Lite loads in under 3 seconds for repeat visits even on slow networks.
Ad clickthrough rates increased 3× on Wego's PWA. They've seen 26% more visitors and 95% more conversions overall. On iOS alone, 50% increase in conversion and 35% increase in session duration.
BookMyShow witnessed over 80% increase in conversion and a dramatic increase in revenue after launching its PWA.
Flipkart’s PWA is driving 50% of its new customer acquisition. Nearly 60% of visitors to the PWA had previously uninstalled the native app primarily to save space.
BookMyShow's PWA takes less than 3 seconds to load and increased conversion rates over 80%. The PWA is 54× smaller than Android and 180× smaller than iOS app.
Ele.me, the biggest food ordering and delivery company in mainland China, decreased load times by 11.6% on pre-cached pages and by 6.35% on all pages.
Pinterest rebuilt their mobile site as a PWA and core engagements increase by 60%. They also saw a 44% increase in user-generated ad revenue and time spent on the site has increased by 40%.
Uber's PWA was designed to be fast even on 2G. The core app is only 50k gzipped and takes less than 3 seconds to load on 2G networks.
OpenSooq's new PWA is only 28.3KB and has improved engagement with a 25% increase in average time on page resulting in 260% more leads.
Commonfloor groups saw 2× increase in daily active users and a 10% increase in overall traffic by moving to a PWA with app shell.
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